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Photo of Armando Gómez Peña Mexico

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Peña Gómez Armando Holguin, Cuba, 1941. EDUCATION 1963-1968 Degree from the Professional School of Arts, Holguín, Cuba. 1964 - Collaborate in Holguin, Cuba in the workshop of the 1968-1972 Mexican sculptor Electa Arenal Arts Instructor Course, La Habana, Cuba. 1976 Papier Mache workshop with Cuban expressionist Antonia Eiriz 1982 Participates in Workshop Julio Le Parc and Rita Longa on mobile toys with 1982 in the...

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Peña Gómez Armando Holguin, Cuba, 1941. EDUCATION 1963-1968 Degree from the Professional School of Arts, Holguín, Cuba. 1964 - Collaborate in Holguin, Cuba in the workshop of the 1968-1972 Mexican sculptor Electa Arenal Arts Instructor Course, La Habana, Cuba. 1976 Papier Mache workshop with Cuban expressionist Antonia Eiriz 1982 Participates in Workshop Julio Le Parc and Rita Longa on mobile toys with 1982 in the grounds of Vedado, Havana. Receives lecture recording with the British artist Pablo Picasso workshop, Stanley William Hayter 1981-1984 Title Polytechnic Institute of Museology, La Habana, Cuba. 1987 - Take classes of Anthropology with Dr. Manuel Rivero de la Calle. 1989 Receives a course on the Principles of Conservation in Museums. Participates with the Cuban painter Julio Girona in the Salon jury Provincial Arts Plastic. City of Manzanillo, Cuba 1988, integrates with Rafael A. Ferrero and the jury Bejarano Provincial Hall in La Ciudad de las Tunas, Cuba 1989, Provincial Chamber of the City of Bayamo, Cuba to Eduardo Leyva and Fausto Christ. In Holguín, is part of the Salon jury prize of the city with Jorge Hidalgo, Ricardo Ramirez, and Cosme Proenza. Provincial Hall in La Ciudad de las Tunas, Cuba (1988) did a ceramic mural for the Motel "Guardalavaca" inside the restaurant Holguin, Cuba (1989). He is a member of the filmmaking team of Mural for the Hotel "Atlantic Sun" project of Cosme Proenza (1989). 1969 SOLO SHOWS PAINTINGS, Gallery Holguin, Cuba. PAINTINGS 1981, Museum of Holguin, Cuba 1985 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS, Gibara, Holguín, Cuba. PAINTINGS 1986, Art Gallery, Cacocum, Cuba. ABSTRACT 1988, Sala Temporary Museum of Holguín. 1990 JOINTS, Arts Centre, Holguín, Cuba. 1991 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS, Getafe, Madrid, Spain. 1992 THE OTHER CITY, De Villiers Galleries, Mexico, DF 1994 PAINTS, O. Gallery San Miguel de Allende, Guanjuato. Mexico. 1996 Retrospective, Art Heritage Room, Holguín, Cuba. 2001 PAINTS, Latin American Art Gallery, Mexico, DF 2001 PAINTS, Basque Center, Mexico, DF 2002 PAINTINGS, Plaza Satellite, Estado de Mexico. 2002 DESIGNS Quixote, Albacete, La Mancha, Spain. ABSTRACT 2003, Sala Orozco, Autonomous University of Chapingo. Mexico. 2005 ECHOES OF THE CITY Gallery Journalists Club of Mexico. Historical Center. ORIGINAL 2006 20 ARMANDO GOMEZ, Gallery "La Casona" Polanco, Mexico City SALON70 MAJOR EXHIBITIONS 1969 Museum Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, Cuba. 1970 I SALON NATIONAL TRAINERS, La Habana, Cuba. CUBAN ENGRAVINGS 1971, Berlin, DDR. 1972 HALL OF NEW LANDSCAPE, Gallery Santiago de Cuba. Holguin 1982 PAINTING IN HAVANA, L and 23/Habana Gallery. 1987 INTERNATIONAL EXPO-TAPED, Havana, Cuba. 1988 AWARD OF CITY HALL, Holguín, Cuba. INTERNATIONAL EXPO-1989, Room Menech, Moscow. CUBAN LANDSCAPE SHOW 1990, Sofia, Bulgaria. 1991 YO SELF, Provincial Museum, Holguín, Cuba. PORTRAIT OF THE CITY 1992, Dark Room, Holguin, Cuba 1992 ALL ABSTRACTS, Arts Centre, Holguín. 1993 PAINTS, National Center for Conservation, Restoration and Artistic Heritage Register - INBA, Mexico City 1996 ACHE, Museum of the City of León Gto. Mexico. 1996 WHICH ARE NO LONGER Art Center, Holguín. 1997 THE OTHER CUBA, Press Club, Mexico City 2000 PAINTS, José Martí Cultural Centre, Mexico City 2001 V HALL OF PLASTIC CUBA-MEXICO, Mexico, DF 2002 VI HALL OF PLASTIC CUBA-MEXICO, Mexico, DF 2003 ABSTRACT, Contemporary Art, Oaxaca, Mexico. 2003 VII HALL OF PLASTIC CUBA-MEXICO, Mexico City 2004 VIII HALL OF PLASTIC CUBA-MEXICO, Mexico, DF 2005 PAINTINGS, Center for Latin American Art. INSIDE LOOK 2006, Red Dot Gallery, Cuernavaca, Mexico. 2006 I BIENNIAL OF CORDOBA. Veracruz. Mexico. BIBLIOGRAPHY Robles, Luisa. LINE AND COLOR FOR AN ISLAND. Newspaper Now Holguín/1981. Piñera, Tony. Evocation of Nature. Periods Gramma, La Habana/1982. Brown, Eugene. ARTIST EXHIBITS Holguin. Newspaper Now Holguín/1985. Lauro, Alberto. ON ARMANDO GOMEZ marine life. Cayajabos, cultural magazine, Holguín/1984. Garcia, José Luis. COVERS WITH THE AUTHOR OF EXPOSURE VOVER WE WANT TO SEE. Newspaper Now Holguín/1985. Lords in July. TRIBUTE TO A PAINTER Holguin. Newspaper Now Holguín/1985. Hidalgo, Jorge. ARMANDO GOMEZ DEL SOL AND THE SIDEWALK. Area, cultural magazine, Holguín/1988. Brown, Eugene. DO THE PAINT IN THE HEART LAND. Newspaper Now Holguín/1988. González, Lourdes. A CORNER OF THE WORLD. NEWSPAPER Now Holguín/1991. Seik, Gilberto. ARMANDO GOMEZ. The Caserón, cultural magazine, Getafe, Madrid/1981. City Publishing Service. ARMANDO GOMEZ, catalog, Getafe, Madrid/1981. Rabadán Villalpando, María Eugenia. OTHER CITY. Catalog Galleries villi, Mexico, DF/1992. Carralero, Rafael. ARMANDO GOMEZ, PAINTER OF TENDERNESS. Forum Magazine, July 2000/México, DF/2000. Carralero, Rafael. ARMANDO GOMEZ, LIFE OF AN ARTIST THAT DREAM WITH THE ABOLITION OF THE THIRD WORLD. Newspaper El Día, July 2000. Mexico, DF/2000. Provincial Center of Visual Arts in Holguin. CONTEMPORARY PLASTIC Holguin. Holguin / Cuba/2000. Espinosa, Santiago de los Monteros.17 abstract painter. Catalog Manuel Garcia, Contemporary Art, Oaxaca. Mexico / 2002. Efrain Dimas Juantorena. ARMANDO GOMEZ. Immobiliare Magazine, México/2000 OTHER PROFESSIONAL since 1993 serving as a specialist restorer at the National Center for Restoration and Conservation of Artistic Heritage Register of the National Institute of Fine Arts, Mexico City has participated in the following projects: Plate Work of Joseph Clemente Orozco, the former college of San Ildefonso. Center Historico, Mexico, mural work DF/1993 Diego Rivera, Secretary of Public Education, Mexico, Rescue DF/1994 set of murals and Federico Eric Mose Canessi, former paymaster of the SEP/1996 is commissioned to conservation work The mural by Roberto Montenegro in the Biblioteca Benito Juárez, Mexico City participates in the conservation of murals by Miguel Covarrubias and Alfredo Zalce, Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City joined the project of restoration of the mural by David Alfaro Siqueiros, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. Mexico. Involved in the restoration of murals by José Reyes Mesa, in the former Casino de la Selva hotel in Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico. Restoration of the murals of Roberto Montenegro at the Colegio de San Pedro and San Pablo. National Center for Restoration of National Institute Fine Arts and World Monuments Found. He is a member of the team of restorers. Restoration project of Alfredo Zalce mural. Team member re-restorers. Is commissioned for the restoration and conservation of the collection of Folk Art Masterpieces of the Museo de Arte Popular de Mexico. Involved in the restoration of the altarpiece of the Trinity of the Church of Santo Domingo, Zacatecas. Mexico. Is responsible to coordinate the project of restoring the mural teacher Estrada Ramiro Romo, the Centro Deportivo Chapultepec. Mexico. Restoration of the Mural City "Tribute to the Mexican Mural" Poliforum Siqueiros. Mexico, DF

Umlauts, art and literature magazine of Holguin, Cuba, has published works by the painter and the following critical note of the writer and journalist Alejandro Querejeta Barceló.

"I'm pretty sure that the painter poet of those glowing years of the late sixties was Armando Gomez. Poet at work and events, and perhaps was his romantic mood (who it is not romantic?, Asked Darius). I met him in a very complex, difficult, contradictory, without knowing that we played the all out, the future fate of what would be the artists and writers of our city. And the group that did the exhibition to show, but it was not always at our side, we had Armando Gomez as ours. Who could forget their courage in giving us a cover for the magazine Jigue? Armando Gomez's painting, from the beginning, was the breaking. Along with Coco Salas, is another abstract painter depth we've had in Holguín. There is a figurative period, a certain mysticism content, which in my memory appears as a gesture of self-assertion against an open environment or covertly hostile. Is a brief moment, I'd say shooting, but qualitatively estimable. A neo expressionist touch, not at variance with his earlier or later, I remember vital, challenging, beautiful gesture of great dignity and courage, in the context of the time. The influence of certain areas of the Catalan Antoni Tapies painting or fought the Cuban group Los Once, can be felt in the first abstract Armando Gomez. I have the eyes of my memories large acrylic on paper, where textures abound here and there, evoking the mater. And do not depart from me those great masses of deep colors, such ocher, those purple and a fire burning or flashing orange light evocative. Those lands that everything beyond that is birth and grave in its essential reality. Sum of secret vigor and importance. More than once I've got news and pictures Quito Exhibition Armando Gomez. And I've seen all maturity and attachment to their own keys, or fashions, or flirting with current events and other imposts, tempt you to this artist that I hold in my memories and is one of the keys to entering what for me Cuba represents the primary. Wet sand, as recalled in a letter memorable Lezama, one day take its center.

Quito, February 25 2007

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